There’s times as artists and business owners that we feel lost.
Frustrated. Uninspired. 

for photographers

I have been on cloud nine at a session one day and felt stuck in a rut the very next day.

I have been so frustrated trying to build systems to help grow my business.

I understand the ebbs and flows of being a creative soul.

When I have felt this way, I have reached out to someone who inspires me, someone who sparks creativity in me.

So that’s what I want to offer. To you.

A place to ask your questions, without judgement.

A person who’s been where you’ve been and is willing to share what she’s learned, with you.

An opportunity to put theory into practice, with someone there to support and gently guide you.

A learning opportunity that fits your needs.

90 minutes either in person (coffee’s on me!), or on zoom.

This is your chance to ask all.the.questions. I am an open book and truly enjoy teaching and helping you as you decide to start or grow your business - I weirdly enjoy helping develop systems and processes to streamline your day-to-day tasks.

Looking for constructive and helpful feedback on your images? I'd love to take a look at your portfolio and give you helpful feedback with specific next-steps to help you improve.

You pick your top 2-3 topics and we’ll get down to business.

Multiple/on-going sessions are also available!  

Popular Topics Include: building and growing a business, marketing,  and portfolio reviews

Coffee & Conversation ~ $400

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 Do you want to be able to take better pictures of the people that you love? Do you want to understand how to create beautiful pictures and how to use your camera without being frustrated? Then this is the choice for you!

You’ll receive my "Good-Bye Auto. Hello Manual" e-book 2 weeks in advance of our 1:1 lesson to give you time to read, study, review, practice and write down questions you have.  You will get to send me images to review and provide feedback on.
Then, in our 1:1 meeting, you’ll get to ask the questions you have, and we’ll walk through some practice shooting as well.

Includes: A 45 page e-book and 13 instructional videos. The videos provide not only a behind-the-scenes view of how to shoot, but also go in depth into each of the topic areas for those that are more visual, hands-on learners.

90 minute in-person lesson on learning your DSLR

You don’t have to be a professional photographer to want to learn how to take good, quality pictures. A solid foundation is necessary in order to grow and learn. You will walk away with all the tools you need to become a solid photographer!

Find Your Inner Photographer - $475

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This is the full shebang. You will tailor this day to meet your needs. We’ll spend several hours together talking, asking and answering questions, you’ll get to pick my brain about business, pricing, sessions, clients, shooting, or whatever else you are interested in learning and talking about.

We’ll shoot a session together (indoor or outdoor: family, newborn or couples). You’ll be right alongside me, camera in hand, I’ll be sharing what I’m doing and why, I’ll be able to gently guide you and make suggestions as we move along. You’ll be encouraged and supported to take the lead and showcase your skillset.

Afterwards, we’ll grab a meal together (my treat!) and we’ll discuss the session; how it went, what worked for you, what you were challenged by. Then we’ll spend an hour or so going through the images, editing and closing out the day.

In-person mentoring sessions take place in Central Massachusetts. *

*I am also more than happy to travel to other parts of the country for in-person mentoring for an additional travel & accommodation fee.

In-Person Mentoring $950

click to see more details!

click to see more details!

Grab your spot!

Sprout Studio Set-Up $150 - $800

Sprout Studio Set-Up

Wanting to get Sprout Studio set up but feeling overwhelmed as to where to start or how to get it to work for your specific business?

I can help you! I have been with Sprout Studio for over 6 years and have helped multiple people get their systems up and running. I'm sort of a nerd when it comes to figuring out systems and automation and I really enjoy helping others maximize their sprout studio to help them streamline (and automate) their business!

I offer two different options for set-up:

Zoom Consult: $150/hour
  This is designed for you if you are already using Sprout but would like to get a better understanding of how a certain aspect of the system works (like booking pages, schedulers, email templates, etc...) You pick 1-2 aspects of the system you'd like to learn how to use and we will get it set up during our call. The meeting will be recorded so you can have it as a reference.

Full Set-Up: $800
  This is designed for you if you want someone to help get Sprout fully set up for you from soup to nuts. This session will require set up work from you to get emails, welcome messages, thank you messages, etc..written in advance so they can be implemented during set up.

Learn more from me here!

Photography Courses by Melissa

Are you a photographer looking to elevate your skills to the next level? Our comprehensive 45-page e-book and 13 in-depth videos covering each foundational element of photography will provide you with a hands-on learning experience like no other.

In this course, you will dive deep into the core principles of photography, from mastering exposure and composition to understanding lighting techniques and post-processing. Each video is carefully crafted to guide you through essential concepts and techniques, ensuring that you gain a thorough understanding of the art and science behind great photographs.

But that's not all - we go beyond theory by including shooting assignments and exercises designed to put your newfound knowledge into practice. With our step-by-step guidance, you will be confidently shooting in manual mode from day one, capturing stunning images that truly reflect your creative vision.

Invest in yourself and your passion for photography. Take the first step towards mastering the art of photography today with our Fundamentals Course.

Topics this course covers:

Aperture | ISO | Metering | Shutter Speed | Histograms| White Balance | Focal Plane | Lighting (backlit, direct, side, dappled, open shade, artifical) | Basic Editing

45 page e-book | 13 instructional videos | $50.00

If you’ve ever found yourself stressed out trying to figure out how to make a location your client chose work

You have to shoot during a time of day that is less than preferred (mid-day sun, after sunset)

The location you wanted to use isn’t available and now you have to make it work in a small timeframe

You are feeling frustrated with the lack of locations near you to use for shoots and want to find new spots

 I will show you what to look for in order to make ANY location work for you. She teaches you how to scout for locations in your area (and how to determine if land is public or private) and takes you along with her as she scouts a brand new spot.

In addition, I provide  you with the need-to-know info on how utilize the light you have (indoors and outside) to turn any location into your ideal location

Want school pictures that actually LOOK and FEEL like your child? 

I share how I get natural first-day-of-school portraits of my children (hint: it's all about the timing!). I also share how to take fine art school portraits and how I document their first day of school in images and on video

31 page e-book | 4 Videos | $25.00

Beyond Auto

A photography fundamentals course

Light & Location

Unlocking the Potential in Any Location

Based in Central Massachusetts, serving the greater New England area and available for travel worldwide.

meet melissa

client experience



for photographers



branding & headshots
